RSC Sales Booked 5x Meetings For a Client With We-Connect

RSC Sales

RSC Sales is a consulting firm covering all angles of the sales process. With a focus on customer retention and acquisition, RSC Sales works with clients to take their business to the next level.



Company Size

2-10 employees

Features Used

Smart sequences, automated celebration messages, reporting and analytics.

Generate More Conversations – Make Better Informed Decisions

Aurelia Jusyte owns three businesses. One of these businesses is RSC Sales, a consulting firm providing clients with an end-to-end lead-generation service. Aurelia and her team leverage We-Connect to automate their prospecting and save time when using LinkedIn.

“We-Connect is such a great tool for our new initiatives and projects,” Aurelia explained to us. She and her team use it for multiple use cases – not just to find new leads.

One of these use cases is user testing. Aurelia shared, “Our clients don’t know how their market is going to react to their product, so we use We-Connect to message as many people on LinkedIn.” This gives the RSC sales team a real look at how individuals feel about a new offer – enabling them to better tailor their marketing strategy for that client.

Watch our entire video interview above to learn more about how RSC Sales leverages We-Connect to maximize their client’s lead-generation:

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